The fog finally left for a couple of days earlier this week but it is back with rain, snow and wind. With the warm weather the ice and snow is starting to melt leaving a large gap in Tellik Inlet. In another month it will probably all be gone.
I had to go out to take pictures of the Canadian Tire (metal dump) for work. I have a project on the go there involving sorting all the waste into separate piles. There is federal money in the project so regular updates have to be sent and they like pictures. Unfortunately there is still 12ft snow over every thing and not much to take pictures of. I did snap this picture on the right of Kingait mountain looking up through a snow bank. It looks like the picture was taken in the clouds. The pictures that went to the feds were more mundane than this one.
We haven't been doing much in the last week but IQ day is coming and plans are to go out fishing and it should be coming up in the next couple of weeks. A friend of mine has offered the use of is snowmobile for me to use on the trip. That may change once he realizes I have never drove one. :)